Friday, September 5, 2008

miles to go

It has been quite the steady summer-but a colorful change comes as fall exhales its first breathe. I have made the transition from carefree to determined in a matter of miles. I left my dorm room to live in a not-so-well-insulated home built in the black & white era. I left the education I received, well, to return and find more people to educate. I left the money I didn't make to, well...give the money I do make to the powers that allow me to live comfortably. I left sleeping through classes to saying hi to the sun when he rises. And all is well.

I have learned some serious-somewhat painful- lessons about honesty. That there is often a disconnect in who we portray and what lies within our heart. These truths seem too painful to display- but too risky to hide. I found myself in some patterns of dishonesty, ignoring what needed to be opened in the name of protection. And it failed. Facing my demons was emotionally disturbing- but I had to do it. I had to face up. The funny thing is- I experienced a release, a freedom only found by shining a light. The darkness scattered and my heart is illuminated. Jesus' imagery about being a sword and a light meant to divide and scatter the things of evil. As His son, the light must shine in me at all times.

There is a change that happens when you leave a surrounding- a continuing system that holds your world and all of its contents. It causes you to start over and re-define who you're supposed to be. It causes you to do things you wouldn't have done in the other system. It causes you to stop, think and move forward in a new direction.

More as I keep changing...

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