Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Barack Obama
Sarah Palin
John McCain
The Economy
Iran's President
The End of The World As We Know It.

Seems there is plenty to talk about. But...I'd rather reflect on my own life. So-

I've been traveling around northern Alabama recruiting souls for the University of Mobile, eating on the school and sleeping in nice Hampton beds. It has allowed me to be away from everyone and gain some time alone. It has allowed me the opportunity to be lonely. It has allowed me the joys of reading and writing. And television. (which I never watch!) All the while just being patient, attempting to understand this unique point in my life where nothing is really...going on. Sure, there is plenty going on in this crazy world of ours, but zoom in on the life of Trey and it appears rather quiet. And I like it. Having bills and responsibilities renders life more simple than class and a lack of structure. I wake up a little earlier, go to work, then go home and spend time with those that I love. I get tired right around 10:30 and thus begin again. 6 months ago, I thought that life this way would destroy my creative, impulsive attitude. But it has actually given me a little more time and space to breathe.

This past weekend I trekked to Huntsville with my dad. Besides the fact that his truck purchase was quite the wise one, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. I was reminded why I've always looked up to dad. He maintains a keen sense of reality at all times. Never scared of the possibilities, or the truth- he faces every situation with an attitude of courage and bold optimism. He's the kind of man that gives direction, not by silly ideals, but with sincerity in his eyes as he leads his family into the next day. Not one to extend his sentences, he sees things for what they are without losing sight of what they could be. A rock he stands for his wife and children. I love him for that. He reminded me that my head is somewhat twisted-on correctly and that I will take care of mine the way he takes care of his. I felt empowered.


Monday, September 8, 2008


Don't ever ignore your friends.

It becomes easy to isolate ourselves in the culture of "instant connection." At the touch of our fingertips is the opportunity to connect- across geographic and cultural barriers, through the ever-expanding population of frequency waves in our atmosphere and into homes everywhere. Instantaneous relationships. There you have it! The world's solution to the traditional issues of distance and time. Phone plans that have expanded to make an entire country- your local calling area. Online profiles that give people an incredibly intangible way to...well, get to know you. Ideas that surf back and forth through cyber waves of knowledge and information flow providing wiki-answers to anything.

All of this...quite the Babel of human achievement and excellence.

The only problem is- despite our contained world of connection, we have continued to grow farther and farther apart...The insubstantial level of intimacy and honesty that is shared in relationships only reflects our current state. The innate desires of human touch and presence cannot be replaced by a mere replica of intentional connection. It is the cry of the human heart- to be one with the Creator- and to share life with His creation. And while prayers to Him may seem to get lost in the rapid circulation of the universe, it is the consistent affinity for our brothers and sisters that confirm the reality of His presence. A love for others must never be replaced by frequency waves- though grand findings- the closeness of a friend providing truth and accountability exceeds the perceived need for inter-continental connection.

Jesus had twelve men with Him- all the time. They changed the world. And the only waves they encountered were the ones their Friend and Teacher put to rest.

Never ignore your friends.

Friday, September 5, 2008

miles to go

It has been quite the steady summer-but a colorful change comes as fall exhales its first breathe. I have made the transition from carefree to determined in a matter of miles. I left my dorm room to live in a not-so-well-insulated home built in the black & white era. I left the education I received, well, to return and find more people to educate. I left the money I didn't make to, well...give the money I do make to the powers that allow me to live comfortably. I left sleeping through classes to saying hi to the sun when he rises. And all is well.

I have learned some serious-somewhat painful- lessons about honesty. That there is often a disconnect in who we portray and what lies within our heart. These truths seem too painful to display- but too risky to hide. I found myself in some patterns of dishonesty, ignoring what needed to be opened in the name of protection. And it failed. Facing my demons was emotionally disturbing- but I had to do it. I had to face up. The funny thing is- I experienced a release, a freedom only found by shining a light. The darkness scattered and my heart is illuminated. Jesus' imagery about being a sword and a light meant to divide and scatter the things of evil. As His son, the light must shine in me at all times.

There is a change that happens when you leave a surrounding- a continuing system that holds your world and all of its contents. It causes you to start over and re-define who you're supposed to be. It causes you to do things you wouldn't have done in the other system. It causes you to stop, think and move forward in a new direction.

More as I keep changing...