It is very possible to be completely scared of stepping into your future.
You can be mentally fully convinced of what you have been given and what you are to do...and still find reasons to question it and remain outside the camp.
There are times in my dreams when I can't speak. I have dreams where my utterances are nothing and I am physically restricted. There are times where my dreams have consisted of me walking into complete darkness. I have dreams about opening a book only to be shaken and completely frightened upon flipping the cover.
These things are spiritual warfare. The principalities, the powers of darkness, the evil spirits of this world. For some reason, I have found myself dismissing these ideas, allowing them to lead me into confusion. If I am ever going to be anything, to move forward, to fulfill the call the the LORD has placed over my life, I have to recognize the attacks of satan. They are of deception and confusion. And if they don't happen during the day, they will surely come at night, during my dreams- the internal world no man can touch. This is why we need the God that never sleeps.
As a child I had a brilliant imagination. I had a way of seeing things in my head that allowed me to branch out and make the physical world around me that picture. As an adult, I have retained my ideologies only to find that they are easily attacked. When I was a child, I thought as a child. Now, I must recognize the need to protect the most precious aspect of my soul.
Only He can restore the passion that He has placed inside of my heart. He is the supreme being over every realm of life- physical, meta-physical, ideational and sensational. And he holds a firm grasp on what can sometimes be out of control in my mind. These dreams and visions rest in the hands of the one who gave them.
And I don't have to be scared.
My 2025 Goals: Part 2
4 days ago