Valentine's Day-
For many it symbolizes a time to buy gifts and chocolates for your significant other.
For others, it is better known as "Singles Awareness Day."
For the past few months I have been thinking about how love, relationships and marriage play out in my current culture. At the University of Mobile High School, there are only a few options available to you. You're either: engaged, in a dating relationship, single, or alas, in buddyville (see Mat A or Sam G). Now, this brings me to my first point. A lot of engagements have taken place in this school year alone. Age not being a factor, this seems to unstabilize other people more than it does make them joyful. For a nice picture of the current dilemma, I've formulated this analogy:
Suppose college is an island on which you spend anywhere from four to six years in the jungles of work, love, heartache, and random fun. At the shore of this island sits a boat, (named Marriage). Now the interesting characteristic of this boat is that it will sail away pending its four year tenure. During its time, it will seat many prospective sailers on the venture to a foreign land (Adulthood). Yet, sorrowfully, it will leave many behind. The remaining bystanders will then wave goodbye to the beautifully crafted ark of wood, and stick around to catch a one-person canoe. Off they will float, beginning their voyage to Adulthood Land on their own.
The point of all this is that it seems most of us are waiting around to find that person we will spend the rest of our lives with. Sadly, while some may not admit it, we think that if we're not in that relationship by graduation time, then our chance to find that person has slipped away, leaving us desperate and lonely. The human heart speaks of the desire to love and be loved, and to give unabashedly to the person we commit our lives to. But remember, often times we begin dating/getting involved in a relationship with someone to cure our loneliness, or to fill the void that's not meant to be filled with the earthly relationship.
I have not kissed dating goodbye, and I'm not dating Jesus (because that's a little weird) but my pursuit of Jesus must be the ultimate desire of my heart from now on.
Letting everyone know I'm single so I can see "where the chips will fall" is not an accurate or wise avenue to go about finding someone to fall in love with.
As cliche' as it is, "going after God" with all of your heart is the only way to know the truth about yourself and what you desire in a relationship.
So, I think I'll hang out on the island. It's pretty fun, because, I mean, I'm not the only one. And if I happen to miss the boat, a canoe will get me to where I need to go, and it will be a great adventure.